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The story of Raynlight Student "Muveysh Suresh".

Yoga has changed me into a whole new person . I'm not a kind of guy who is active in sports. I was a couch potato. Because of that , I felt that something was missing in my life . That was the moment when my sister showed me a post of my teacher in her Instagram account . We were interested to join her class so we immediately texted teacher and registered for the private session.

At first , I thought that virtual yoga wouldn't be that effective, but I was incorrect. Teacher Renu is the best when it comes to virtual classes. She gives her best while she's teaching. She always encourages me and the best part is , even before she teaches me a new asana , she will tell me that " I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT MUVEYSH ! " . Those words are like a boost for me to give my level best and to not disappoint my teacher.

Other than being active by trying new asanas in class , teacher Renu gives a lot of advices to take care of our mental health. During the MCO , I had a hard time as everyone did . I was too concern about my physical appearance. I'm a skinny guy and I'm different from the other ordinary teenagers. I was confused at that point so I tried to change myself. After sometime , I realised that I'm not living my life for myself . It was like living my life for the sake of other people's opinion.

After hearing many mini lecture from my teacher during the class , I've made up my mind that I'm just going to be the way I am . I'm not going to let any negative thoughts concur my mind. If people says that I'm different or you should change I will just listen to them silently because I know that I'm not different . I'm unique.

Now I am surely a better version of myself compared to the years before. As I've mentioned above " YOGA HAS CHANGED ME INTO A WHOLE NEW PERSON " . All the credits goes to my lovely and inspiring teacher Renu ❤️

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